Mar 13, 2009

We had these nice 4WDs visiting us the 11th from Holland. They are driving to Russia, Murmansk and enjoyed 2 hrs husky safari with us.
Some horse power in our yard together with dogpower. That was a great scenery :)
Wish you all nice trip!

Feb 23, 2009

Some news...

Ali is so busy himself to ever write anything, so I think I´ll have to start posting :)
So Longtrail went all in all fine, dogs had lots of kms, but just no time to get some distance on them. But will try still get away from kennel and enter Pasvik, if nothing major happens, it´s our little break just for two of us (and ofcourse the dogs) while Luka stays at home.
Finnish middel distance champion is this year so close by, that surly there too, maybe some younger ones should have they first show off. I´m considering myself to enter 4 dogs class, but I might be too chicken for that ;)

Feb 19, 2009

For Sale 2 Björkis Expedition sleds

FOR SALE 2x Björkis Expedition sleds. 170cm basket, sledbag,braking mat. Tim White QCR runners, black training plastics +PTEX2000 racing plastics (runners cost 600€ new)
Excellent for distance. Sleds are 4 yrs old. One of them was used this year Longtrail.
Price 650€/sled. Sleds are in Kuusamo
044 570 7748/Kati
044 570 7747/Alister